+--------------------------+-------------------------------+ | 3 Ethical Hackers . com | +--------------------------+-------------------------------+ irc.smashthestack.org #3ethical Affected software: Advanced Stats On Indexing plugin for mybb php bbs Versions: <=3.1 link: http://mods.mybb.com/view/advanced-stats-on-index-portal-for-mybb-1-4-x Google Dork: inurl:/asoi.php?asoi= (returns ~200 hits) ------------------------------POC/Info-------------------------------------- The affected application fails to properly sanitize user input from user-modified fields. Affected fields are: Usernames (user creation script prevents special chars in name[ver 1.4.13]) Events Thread Topics These fields are displayed on the home page where the plugin resides. When a malicious thread topic or event is loaded into the front page, malicious javascript can be executed doing anything it wants to the rest of the page. ---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ------------------------------Patch----------------------------------------- change OLD: $lines .= $icon."".$thread['subject']." (".$lang->asoi_by." "; To Patch: $lines .= $icon."".htmlentities($thread['subject'])." (".$lang->asoi_by." "; diff: .htmlentities($thread['subject']). put that for every instance of thread subject or event name or any other user-editable field to perform "bad" character cleansing -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------Credits-------------------------------------------- 3ethicalhackers.com >> we don't need to post our handles kthxbai ::::::::::::::::::::::::::Greetz::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: gr33tz to SMP (irc.smashthestack.org #smpctf) Mason/d3p0rt JOIN US IN IRC IRC.SMASHTHESTACK.ORG #3ETHICAL FORUMS @ 3ETHICALHACKERS.COM >>EOF